пятница, 30 января 2009 г.

Variety of Fears

Each age is accompanied by a fear. Fear may be the result of assessing the situation as potentially dangerous. For some trigger fear is being alone, for others - a crowd of people, others may not be in an enclosed space, etc.
A person can move on to an insurmountable fear of harmless objects, from which it is easier to avoid than the true source of his fear (in this case it is necessary to carry out work to identify the real source of fear, to be able to resolve the situation).
Different people can observe the variety of fears. The reasons could be fear of people, events, conditions or situation, is a signal of danger. Sometimes the fear is not related to something specific, such as fears of side irrelevant. The base is the fear of death.
Fear is the basis of phenomenology anxiety. In the state of anxiety a person is experiencing more than one emotion, but some combination of different emotions (fear, shame, guilt, etc.), each of which has an impact on social relations, the somatic state, perception, thinking, behavior. The state of anxiety in different individuals may be due to different emotions.
The fear in their extreme options for taking a devastating form, causes a panic reaction, stupor, fleeing away from danger. Oppress and make people sick are fears that are larger than the critical threshold and that it hampers the long-term. Chronic fear is regarded as "toxic" emotion, declining state of the immune system that promotes muscle tension, metastasis of cancer cells, deposition in the vessels, inflammation of the intestines, improve the function of colon cancer, promoting the emergence of neurosis, myocardial infarction, diabetes (type 1), asthma, peptic ulcer colitis (Research Medical Faculty of Stanford University, USA). Some surgeons refuse to operate without special preparation of patients who have a strong fear and reluctance to take action because they have increased the likelihood of bleeding, postoperative complications.